Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Doc apt on 2/17/14

Scott and I went to the doctor yesterday for our monthly check up. The doctor says I am measuring a little bit small and wants me to do a ultrasound at my check up next month just to make sure she is still growing properly. It wasn't a shock to me since I am so small to being with, although I feel HUGE. I will update a post as soon as I know anything. Our appointment isn't until March 24th though so standby.

I got my blood drawn yesterday, have I ever mentioned I hate that! I couldn't even look at her when she was doing it. How am I going to give birth?!?!

My glucose test is scheduled for next Monday. I have heard such horrible things and I am dreading that day! iy iy iy!

Thanks to all who read my blog. I do my best to keep up with it, but I have a lot on my to do list and it can be a bit overwhelming.

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