Friday, February 21, 2014

24 weeks!

How far along: 24 weeks!
Gender: girl!
Weight gain: right about 20 pounds
Maternity clothes: I went to platos closet and got a new pair of jeans of $8, and they fit!
Wedding ring on or off: Still on. I was looking at my fingers the other day and they were looking a little chubby :o
Belly button in or out: innie still
Sleep: I love my sleep.
Best moment this week: Were cleaning out Brooklyn's room. Hoping to have it all painted in the next week or so.
Movement: She's a wiggle worm!
Missing anything?: Starbucks caramel frappes!
Cravings: This week has been pretty normal for me. Or I have just been indulging in it. I was about to eat some ice cream the other day and all our bowls were in the dishwasher which was running. Scott suggested I just eat from the container. So I did. Later he had to remind me that the container was not to be considered as the whole bowl and I should probably find a good ending point.
Queasy or sick: Not really. I found that since I don't really eat out anymore that when I do, it makes me sick.
Looking forward to: My baby shower! :)

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