Our Baby Story

Having a baby was something both Scott and I had talked about and knew it was something we always wanted. Since we are both so young and I am still in school and he still is in the police academy we both planned on waiting and just enjoying the married life.

Plans change and God had something better in mind. I was noticing I was starting to gain a little weight. Not a big deal since I am so small, people always tell me how I need to put a little "meat on my bones". I thought maybe it was because I was eating too many carbs. I eat toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and sometimes bread with dinner. That didn't work, and I was feeling super bloated! So I was about to get in the shower and decided I am going to take a pregnancy test... just.in.case.

As the little test slowly was moving across, it was a plus sign! I thought maybe I was reading it wrong, so as I went to go get the box I heard the garage door open and Scott was coming home from the academy. I freaked out and threw it under the sink and hopped in the shower. I was freaking out. I took a little time to think about it and let it settled in. My heart was racing and I was scared as could be. I took my shower to relax and calm down. I decided I wasn't going to tell Scott just yet. This is a big moment for us, and although it wasn't in our radar for right now, it's still a very special time for us.

I got out of the shower and acted like nothing happened. Scott works the Midnight shift so he was getting ready to leave. We said our hi's and goodbye's and he left. As I was laying in bed and thinking about it more and more, I started to come to reality with it and realize everything was going to be fine. A baby is a BIG deal, it has always been us two for the past five years of our relationship and two years of marriage. We have never had to worry about anyone else.

I leave for school in the mornings between 7:15-7:30am and Scott get's home from work between 7:20-7:40 am. I texted him asking him what are the chances he would be home by 7:30am because I had a surprise for him! He responded at 7:07am probably slim to none because I just got released to go home and it's about a 25 minute drive depending on traffic. He asked if it was something that I had to tell him in person and I said yes. I guess he was talking to a good friend he worked with and his friend was like "I bet she is pregnant." Well of course once the thought was in his head that was all he could think about all day and to be honest, that's what his mind was set on after that point.

I had to work till 8pm after my class, so I was texting him throughout the day saying things like "Are you ready for the best surprise of your life?" 8 o'clock rolled around and I was excited to come home. to be honest, every time I thought about it I couldn't help but smile at the fact we were going to be parents!

When I got home I was so excited to tell his about his "surprise"! I said to him I can't decide if I should just tell you or if I should make you guess. Of course his response was "Just tell me", so I did. I was like "WERE HAVING A BABY!" He was just excited as I was and told me the story about him and his friend. He admitted he had his mind set on the fact that I being pregnant was the surprise that he admitted If I had anything else he probably would have been disappointed.

After we both got over the initial shock, we both are so so excited to welcome this little bean to our family! We have already been shown so much support and so many people love this baby more than anything.

Thank you all for the support and the people who have been there for us. We are going to need a lot of it as I finish my last year of school and Scott finishes up the academy, but we are determined to get it done and provide the best life for our little one!

1 comment:

  1. Stevie this is so beautiful! Could not be more happy for both you and Scott! Can not wait to see you progress in your pregnancy!! :)
