Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Your organs!

A lot of people ask me, where do your organs go when your pregnant. I am no doctor, and to be honest never thought about it until someone asked me.

I found this link on pinterest (of course) of how your organs shift throughout a pregnancy.

Click here to see the video.

Glucose results

Yesterday I had my glucose test. Although the drink didn't taste as bad as I thought it would, the fasting for 12 hours wasn't very fun. I had to stop eating at 7:30pm the night before. 8:30pm rolled around and Scott was laughing at me because I was already complaining that I was hungry.

My doctors office called today to give me the results. Normally they leave the results on my answering machine, so I was already nervous when I got a voicemail saying to call them back. As many of you may know my dad was type 1 diabetes and they were nervous that I was going to have it when I was born. So of course I can't help but have the same concern for Brooklyn.

I called them back and I failed it.... I was about 141 when they want you to be around 130. So now I have to take the 3 hours test. Which I may die of starvation not eating for 15 hours. Whoever thought keeping a pregnant woman from eating is nutzo.

I asked her a few questions about if I don't pass what happens, etc. She said it's highly unlikely that I won't since I was so close to the 130.

Small disclaimer. Scott got me a huge box of recess peanut butter cups for valentines days. 36 of the double packs to be exact. Looking back, I am sure my sugar is high from eating like five packs of them the past week. Just a heads up, if you are getting some sort of gift from me in the near future it will probably be peanut butter cups. :)

No more peanut butter cups. I will update you once I take the three hour test and the results come back!

Friday, February 21, 2014

24 weeks!

How far along: 24 weeks!
Gender: girl!
Weight gain: right about 20 pounds
Maternity clothes: I went to platos closet and got a new pair of jeans of $8, and they fit!
Wedding ring on or off: Still on. I was looking at my fingers the other day and they were looking a little chubby :o
Belly button in or out: innie still
Sleep: I love my sleep.
Best moment this week: Were cleaning out Brooklyn's room. Hoping to have it all painted in the next week or so.
Movement: She's a wiggle worm!
Missing anything?: Starbucks caramel frappes!
Cravings: This week has been pretty normal for me. Or I have just been indulging in it. I was about to eat some ice cream the other day and all our bowls were in the dishwasher which was running. Scott suggested I just eat from the container. So I did. Later he had to remind me that the container was not to be considered as the whole bowl and I should probably find a good ending point.
Queasy or sick: Not really. I found that since I don't really eat out anymore that when I do, it makes me sick.
Looking forward to: My baby shower! :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Doc apt on 2/17/14

Scott and I went to the doctor yesterday for our monthly check up. The doctor says I am measuring a little bit small and wants me to do a ultrasound at my check up next month just to make sure she is still growing properly. It wasn't a shock to me since I am so small to being with, although I feel HUGE. I will update a post as soon as I know anything. Our appointment isn't until March 24th though so standby.

I got my blood drawn yesterday, have I ever mentioned I hate that! I couldn't even look at her when she was doing it. How am I going to give birth?!?!

My glucose test is scheduled for next Monday. I have heard such horrible things and I am dreading that day! iy iy iy!

Thanks to all who read my blog. I do my best to keep up with it, but I have a lot on my to do list and it can be a bit overwhelming.

23 weeks

Last week was 23 weeks. I have been so busy with school and work that I didn't have time to update my board. Plus, I was sick last Tuesday and Wednesday. I left for school on Thursday at 7am and then had to go to work right after, so I didn't get home till after 8pm. I was exhausted and was not in the mood to update my board. It was now Thursday which was only 3 days away from me being 24 weeks. I came home to this lovely board drawn by my husband. I couldn't help but laugh. I think it is a great attempt for a male! If you can't read the bottom it says "My was too lazy so dad had to do this one". What a great guy lol

How far along: 23 weeks and about 4 days in that picture
Gender: girl!
Weight gain: 20 lbs at the Docs office yesterday!
Maternity clothes: Thanks to my awesome Sister in Law- she gave me her maternity clothes that she is done with!
Stretch marks: A few but still none on the belly!
Belly button in or out: It's in there. Almost flat across though.
Sleep: Sleeping is probably the only time I am comfortable to be honest.
Best moment this week: We finally registered!!
Movement: Oh my gosh, ALL the time. When we were at the doctor yesterday she was like "Wow she's having a good time in there"
Missing anything?: Going out and having some drinks. I've kissed that life good bye for a while.
Cravings: SWEEETS! I thought my sweet craving was bad before I was pregnant. It has been intensified by ten. I do my best to resist and find a health snack instead.
Queasy or sick: I was sick last week. I think it was some 24 hour bug that I got from the day care. It was a miserable two days, but I am feeling much better!!
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. I can't wait to start putting everything together. I think it will make it feel even more real.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Update on the baby!

I decided I need a shirt that says

"It's a girl.
Her name is Brooklyn.
I am due in June
Yes, were excited.
I've been feeling fine."

Haha everyone asks the same questions every time they see me!

All is well with the baby. I got really sick yesterday and I think it was the flu. It was going around at the day care I work at and I worked there Monday. There were a lot of people out sick and two people I worked with went home sick. Last night I was pretty miserable and couldn't keep any food down. Once I would get everything out of my system, I would feel fine but then Brooklyn would start kicking and moving around and it made we feel more sick. I woke up almost every hour last night and drank a few sips of water each time. I woke up today feeling a little better, but not myself. I still haven't had much to eat, but Scott got me so pedialyte so that I get some nutrients in my body. I am planning to go back to school and work tomorrow. Fingers Crossed!

I am a few days behind on week 23. :/ a Post to come soon hopefully.

Friday, February 7, 2014

22 weeks

How far along: 22 weeks and 5 days. This picture was at 22 weeks and 2 days.
Gender: girl! <3
Weight gain: Not sure. I haven't weighed myself in a while.
Maternity clothes: Just bought some new clothes last week. Except Maternity clothes are too big so I just bought regular clothes in bigger sizes.
Stretch marks: On my bum. But none on the belly!
Belly button in or out: Still in there.
Sleep: Sleep has actually been pretty good.
Best moment this week: Bought her some really cute clothes. On sales at that!
Movement: At night she moves a lot! And kicks me a lot.
Missing anything?: I miss opening a fresh soda and listening to the noise it makes and then taking a huge drink. Of dr.pepper to be exact.
Cravings: Fruit snacks, pancakes, yogurt, sweets. Anything I can get my hands on.
Queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling great!
Looking forward to: Registering!