Wednesday, January 29, 2014

21 weeks

Sorry I have been vacant for a while! School just started and a lot has been going on. Can't believe I am over half way! with only 129 days to go!

How far along: 21 weeks
Weight gain: about 10lbs 35 inches around!
Maternity clothes: my wardrobe is limited. My next pay check will be to get some more clothes.
Stretch marks: On my butt cheeks ;) but that's it! can't complain
Belly button in or out: In but it's slowly moving out.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well.
Best moment this week: We picked a name!! Brooklyn Nichole!
Movement: At night she moves a lot! And kicks me a lot.
Missing anything?: A margarita on the rocks!
Cravings: Fruit snacks! I eat about 5 packs a day
Queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling great!
Looking forward to: Getting her room set up! :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Gender reveal party!

Photos from tonight's gender reveal! Thanks to all who came and sorry it was so crowded in our small little house :)

That last one is all the kids finger print of their guess :) We will put it on our Christmas tree next year :)

And here is the diaper cake my two best friends made me! :)

It's a girl!!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Gender update and Doc Apt

Well in just a few short days we will know the gender of our little pumpkin! We are hosting a gender reveal party this Sunday! I told my father about it, and his response was "I'm the grandpa, tell me the gender now". So, if you are like my dad and not familiar with what it is, this is a short explanation of what to expect.

We had our ultrasound apt today and told the doctor that we wanted her to put the gender in an envelope. So she did... but it wasn't sealed. TEMPTATION AT IT'S FINEST!!! Neither Scott and I looked. Yes, I know. Impressive. We then brought it to my Sister-In-law, Ashley. Luckily, she only works about 2 minutes away. Now that it is in her hands, she is going to make a cake (or cupcakes) with the inside filling the color of the gender. At the party we will cut into the cake and hooray, everyone will know!

At the doctors appointment today she did some measurements of the baby and looked closely at it and she said everything looks really good and seems to be growing properly and is a healthy baby. It's crazy how hearing that is a little comforting. Everyone in life just expects that they are going to have a healthy baby with nothing wrong with it and we all know that is not that case. I know were only half way through but I was very relived to hear everything is going along properly.

I asked her if my due date was still accurate, she said by the measurements of the baby it's probably more like June 11th, but since it isn't more than a week different than the original due date of June 7th then they will leave it as it.

Can't wait to see you all at our party! Be prepared to fit nice and snug in our small little house! :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I didn't know anyone who has gone to my doctor before, but when Scott and I met her, we liked her and the nurses a lot and the doctors office is close to home and works fairly well with Scott and I's opposite schedules. Since Scott went through a brief phase of paramedic school and was in and out of hospitals a lot of people he had class with talked about how they would go to Mercy when they have kids because it's such a great hospital.

Unfortunately, our doctor only delivers at St.Josephs, Barnes Jewish-St.Peters, and Progress West. Scott knew from the start that he was not a fan of St.Josephs because of some of his clinical's that were there and things he has heard about it. So we were down to just two hospitals. We went to take a tour at Barnes Jewish-St.Peters and were not impressed. We got there for the tour and waited longer for someone to ask us if we needed help than the actual tour lasted. Scott and I both felt that it had a very "hospital feel" to it. We simply just weren't impressed with it and to be honest I am not very knowledgeable about the place because they weren't very good at informing us of what to expect.

Progress West was our last hope otherwise we were going to switch doctors. Although your only there for two days, we both felt strongly that it was important to have faith in our hospital in case our doctor didn't get there in time, something went wrong etc. Scott had the police academy during the tours so I went with his mom. I loooved Progress West. I feel like I could be a spokes person for how much information they gave me. I felt like the hospital was a hotel and not a hospital and had a lot more "home" feeling to it. The nurse giving the tour was so knowledgeable and very nice. The hospital opened about 6 years ago so I love all the new technology that they have and how they have everything on the maternity level and you don't have to go from floor to floor for any reason. I loved how they were all about teaching the new moms on how to do everything and make sure the mom was comfortable about when to feed, how to change diapers, give the baby a bath etc. They were also very vocal on how they have the dad's be apart of everything as well. I could go on and on about all the good things. When I left there I felt relieved and was so much more comfortable about giving birth.

So Cheers to a good hospital and where we will be delivering our baby!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

18 weeks

How far along: 18 weeks
Gender: Unknown! I know we could know. But understand that Scott and I are still getting use to the idea we are having a baby!
Weight gain: Almost 10lbs and 33inches around.
Maternity clothes: I ordered my first maternity shirt!
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: It's slowly getting worse. I wake up many times during the night and it takes forever to fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Meeting our baby's new cousin, Kinsley! Can't wait for them to be best friends!
Movement: A lot is going on in there. Scott got to feel it move this week :)
Missing anything?: Eating out. I am trying to save money and eat healthy. I miss TGIFridays!
Cravings: Apples and peanut butter! yummy!
Queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling great!
Looking forward to: Our gender reveal party! I got the invites out today!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

17 weeks

17 weeks
How far along: 16 weeks Gender: Unknown! but we will find out soon!
Weight gain: Almost 10lbs and 33inches around.
Maternity clothes: Not yet, just using some clothes I have that are a little big and stretch.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I've been sleeping fairly well! It's been hard to stay on my sides. I hate sleeping on my sides.
Best moment this week: Telling Scott's family on Christmas Eve.
Movement: I felt it's first big move the other day. And there is a lot of movement going on in there. Right now they just feel like mild quick cramping.
Missing anything?: Greasy food. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible.
Cravings: Nothing particular just random foods at random times.
Queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling great!
Looking forward to: Finding out the Gender!