Thursday, March 20, 2014

28 weeks!

Sorry, I know this one is a little late! I haven't had Scott take a picture next to the chalkboard but I will later tonight, so you will be able to find it under the weekly pictures tab.

How far along: 28 Weeks
Gender: girl!
Weight gain: I just weighed myself on our scale. Normally I use the scale at the doctor but I am not in there till next week. According to our scale I have gained 26 pounds!!
Maternity clothes: Yeah, I am finally starting to feel what most people probably feel at like 20 weeks :p
Wedding ring on or off: Still On
Belly button in or out: It sticks out just a little bit
Sleep: Once I get comfortable then I am good, bur it takes a while to get to that point.
Best moment this week: My work had a diaper party for me!
Movement: she moves a lot and I think secretly tickles me in there.
Missing anything?: Mountain Dew
Cravings: Sweets like milkshakes!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: my next baby shower!

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