Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Doctor update

Scott and I went to another doctor appointment today! I will be going every two weeks now. Hard to believe we are already at that point. Time is flying by!

Last time I was in, the doctor said I was measuring small and wanted me to do an ultrasound this appointment to ensure that she was growing properly. Today, the ultrasound tech said everything was great. I was right on track where I need to be. This time the due date was approximately June 8th, so not much has changed. She checked my fluids and everything was good there as well. The doctor said my weight gain and belly measurements were right on track! Very relieved to hear all of that!

It's still a girl!
She weighs about 2 pounds and 15 ounces.
She was sucking her thumb... cutest things ever to see
She already has a little bit of hair. I'm sure she will have a full head by the time she gets here!
We got to see her in 3D! (picture below) it was so cool! Made everything seem even more real.

Can't wait to meet her in real life. The ultrasounds aren't cutting it any more :)

Here is her 3D photo. I took the picture with my phone, I haven't scanned the ultrasound pics into the computer yet. Our scanner is downstairs and...well... the steps are a cursing to me right now :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Some of Brookyln's new stuff!

Well these adorable shoes my mother-in-law made! She took converse shoes and put some bling and cute ribbon! I wish her feet would stay this size for forever!

Thanks to Scott's grandma, mom Aunt Debbie and Aunt Becky for her stroller and car seat! I had Scott put it together that night!

Yay a fun play set for her!

Thanks to her Aunt Ashley for her first Cardinals attire! Scott is so proud!

We have received many adorable gifts and clothes, way too many to post. I just wanted to highlight and few items :) thank you all!

28 weeks!

Sorry, I know this one is a little late! I haven't had Scott take a picture next to the chalkboard but I will later tonight, so you will be able to find it under the weekly pictures tab.

How far along: 28 Weeks
Gender: girl!
Weight gain: I just weighed myself on our scale. Normally I use the scale at the doctor but I am not in there till next week. According to our scale I have gained 26 pounds!!
Maternity clothes: Yeah, I am finally starting to feel what most people probably feel at like 20 weeks :p
Wedding ring on or off: Still On
Belly button in or out: It sticks out just a little bit
Sleep: Once I get comfortable then I am good, bur it takes a while to get to that point.
Best moment this week: My work had a diaper party for me!
Movement: she moves a lot and I think secretly tickles me in there.
Missing anything?: Mountain Dew
Cravings: Sweets like milkshakes!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: my next baby shower!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Diaper Party!

Thank you to all my fellow co-workers at Beth Academy that came out last night to dinner and brought diapers for Brooklyn! We had no diapers before yesterday and now we have a great start! Since I will be on a unpaid maternity leave it will be nice to not have to worry about diapers for the first two months, so we truly appreciate everything! It's seriously hard to fathom all the great things that people have given us!


Here is the adorable diaper cake that Lydia's daughter made. She did an awesome job!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Glucose test number two!

Well I had my second glucose test on Wednesday and I got the results yesterday.


Woo hoo.

For those of you who have never heard of the three hour test. I had to fast for 12 hours. When I got to the doctor they drew my blood and then drew it again every hour for three hours. It sucked just as much as I thought it would! I couldn't eat during that time period as well so after 15 hours of fasting, my best friend Barb and I went to Five guys and I stuffed my face :)

My advise: if you are getting your glucose test, don't eat sweets for a week before that way you know you'll pass!

Good day.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

1st Baby shower!

Thanks to all of Scott's family who put on my first baby shower this past Sunday! I had a great time and it's awesome to see how many people already care for her so much. Below are some pictures and I will upload more picture of the cute gifts she got later!

The cute basket that my Mother-in-law made with lots of goodies!

I know it's hard to see but the banner says Baby Brooklyn. I am going to put it in her room too :)

Some cute little onsies that they hung up for decoration :)

More to come... stay tuned!

27 weeks

How far along: week 27. Can you believe only 13 more to go!
Gender: girl!
Weight gain: I have no weighed myself in a while I feel like over the past couple days I have grown a lot though
Maternity clothes: yes, I am starting to feel the struggle of have NOTHING to wear.
Wedding ring on or off: Still On
Belly button in or out: It sticks out just a little bit
Sleep: Hasn't been too bad this week!
Best moment this week: Having my first baby shower and finished painting her room!
Movement: still very active!
Missing anything?: Being able to get off the couch without struggling.
Cravings: This week I have been all about them girl scout cookies!!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Spring weather. It will make being pregnant a little more enjoyable!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

26 weeks!

How far along: 26 weeks!
Gender: girl!
Weight gain: A little over 20 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yeah, and I am probably going to have to buy new underwear soon. Wah! Brooklyn have given me a huge butt and fat thighs!
Wedding ring on or off: Still On
Belly button in or out: I'm honestly starting to think it's more out than in.
Sleep: Starting to get to that uncomfortable stage :/
Best moment this week: I started painting her room. I just need to do the grey!
Movement: All the time, usually more active after I eat.
Missing anything?: Fitting into my clothes.
Cravings: Ice cream and smoothies!
Queasy or sick: Nope just uncomfortable that she is always in my ribs.
Looking forward to: My first baby shower this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.s. I feel like that outfit does not justice for my belly. My 25 weeks picture looks bigger. It's under the week by week pictures if you want to see it since I missed out on posting :/