Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Thanks to Brit, Jamie H and Jamie L for sharing such a fun experience with Brooklyn and I at the pumpkin patch. She just kind of looked around and was unsure what to think! What a cutie!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Food for the first time and 4 month check up!

Hello all! I know it's been a while since I have blogged. Going to try to get back into the swing of things. With the baby, school, volunteering and work, I have had my plate full!

Brooklyn got to try baby food for the first time yesterday! She wasn't really sure what to think about it. I put the food in her mouth and it sat there for a few moments then she would stick her tongue out and some of the food with it. She did keep opening her mouth for more though. She had a few bites and that was about it. We tried again today and did the same thing. She had a few bites and was done with it. I just wanted to get her feeling the texture. I also read that starting baby food earlier can help give children better taste buds and can hopefully create a less picky eater as they grow.

She also had her four month check up. Doctor said she is healthy and growing great. Her height and weight are in the 50% tile and her head is in the 75th! Haha holy cow Brooklyn! She needs room for the big brain she is going to have. :) She weighs 14lbs 2oz and is 24 inches long. She got 4 shots, poor baby :( She was great all day for me and my dad when he was watching her but Scott said she was a terror for him.

Some Brooklyn pics from the past month!

And dad called us out on pj day!

Friday, July 11, 2014

maternity photos

Love all of our maternity photos! Below are a few of my favorite! Thanks to Julie Lynch Photography for capturing all the memories!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Newborn pictures

Some of these have already been posted to facebook, but I know not everyone loves seeing my kid in their newsfeed (although I don't understand why not) Below are some of my favorite! Thanks to my Aunt Judy who bought this for me for a baby shower present and thanks to T.H photography for the awesome and beautiful photos.

Dcotors apt- 1 month old

We went to the doctor on July 9th so a few days after her 1 month. Doctor said she is healthy and well! Poor little thing had to get a shot in her leg. The picture above is of her awesome hulk band-aid.

She is 21.5 inches long
9lbs and 11oz
and her head is 14 and 3/4 inches

ALL of which are in the 75% percent tile.

Also decided to get her gripe water to help with her fussiness and gas.

1 month

My little baby is already a month old. MAKE HER STOP GROWING!

She was wearing newborn diapers, although just a few days later I decided to up it to a size one since she was peeing through them.
She was eating a about 2.5oz every two hours but the day after I decided it was time to up it because she was still acting hungry. She goes about 3 hours during the night.
She is in newborn clothes, although they are starting to get a little tight.
She loves listening to pandora's baby einstein radio station.
She likes this vibrating mini bassinet that came with her pack n play. It's my lifesaver!
Her fussy time is usually about 9pm at night.

She is seriously growing WAY to fast!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Brooklyn the Beauty!

Well we were officially released from the hospital on Sunday and Brooklyn is the most precious thing that has ever happened to us!

I was induced on Thursday morning around 8:45am. I had a pretty high pain tolerance for the contractions but not so much for the labor. Around 9:30pm I was ready to start pushing. The first hour, it wasn't too difficult. After that, it became very painful. They could see her head and she was very close for a while, but was just being stubborn and staying in there. The doctor called for a vacuum to section her out, but luckily she came out right as the vacuum got there. Such an unbelievable moment hearing her cry for the first time and holding her and knowing that she is ours! The doctor started stitching me up and I could feel as I could feel most of the birthing process too. She gave me two (I think) shots of anesthesia which did numb me up.

Unfortunately, the numbness never went away and even a day later, my legs were still numb. I was not able to stand up on my own nor could I feel my legs. The following day, there was not much progress, I was finally able to get up and use the restroom with the help of two nurses but my legs buckled as I was walking and started to collapse. The nurses caught me and I started to use this assistance thing that had wheels and they could push me around the room.

The following day, my strength got a little better and I could move my legs around on my bed a little better and kind of lift them up and down. I used the assistance stroller for about half the day and then started using a walker which was great new because I had to stand on my own for that.

The nurses and my doctor were concerned because they have never had this situation before. It was very scary because of course I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to walk by myself ever again. I saw an anestheisologist who recommended seeing a neurologist. They also did an MRI on me on Saturday night or it may have been Friday night and there was nothing concerning on that. Which was good news as well! I worked with two physical therapist, one gave me some exercises to do to help with gaining strength, the other evaluated me and insisted that they order me a walker to take home. I also saw a neurologist who evaluated me and had no idea why this happened and thinks that over time it will get better.

The doctor thinks that I either hit a nerve while pushing and that because of the epidural, I couldn't feel it or that the two shots of anesthesia are what caused it.

Once the walker came in, were were released from the hospital. I had them take me down in a wheelchair since the furthest I had walked was back and fourth to the restroom by myself.

Now that we are home, it has been a challenge and a little bit of a rollercoaster. I am unable to hold Brooklyn and walk around because I don't trust that my legs wont give out at any given time. Scott is such a great dad and husband and has been taking great care of both of us. He get's up in the middle of the night to bring her to me so that I can feed her, he get's up and gives her the pacifier so I don't have to walk and helps put her back to sleep. Although a lot of dad's help like this, he has been doing it every night and every time she wakes up.

The numbness still exist in my legs from about mid thigh to about half way down my calf. I still have a little feeling but there is still a lot of numbness. The strength has come back a lot, my left leg is a lot stronger than my right. I do exercises that the physical therapist recommended and work with the right leg a little more than the left. It's still scary to walk because my legs can give out at any time. I googled what I am feeling and I have read some post about other people that this happened to. Some say that the numbness went away after a few weeks and others say even after 5 years it's still there. As of right now, I am just doing what I can to live with it and adjust my life style incase the feeling doesn't come back.

Although I hate that this happened, it was all worth it for Brooklyn. If you can just keep praying for my recovery, it's very appreciated!!!

On our way home from the hospital

8 pounds and 4.8 oz!

Born at 11:40pm
Birth Weight 8.48
Birthday June 5th
Length 21.5 inches long

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Doctor update

Went to the doctor today and she checked me and I am officially 1cm dilated and about 70% effaced!!

Woo hoo, I was so excited and it's hopefully perfect timing. We did talk about possibly inducing me so that she can come when Scott is off from academy, but first she is going to scratch/stretch (don't remember which one) my cervix to see if that helps bring her more naturally. Which I would really love for her to come naturally vs inducing me but I also want her here the same time Scott does so he is less stressed :)

She said her head was really far down. She even was like wow you must be going to the bathroom all the time. Haha which some days is true. Sometimes I go to the restroom, then go to do something and feel like I have to go again already.

I'll let you know how Monday goes. It's my birthday too, I tell you kids really do steal the show because my birthday totally snuck up on me with all her excitement

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

38 weeks

How far along: 38 weeks and 3 days
Weight gain: About 45 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yep.
Wedding ring on or off: Off.
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Some nights are great some are terrible. It's all hit or miss.
Best moment this week: Some co-workers at BZ got my a bunch of diapers. It was much appreciated :)
Movement: She is moving right now :)
Missing anything?: Being able to bend over and pick something off the floor.
Cravings: Chocolate Milk!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: MEETING BROOkYLN!!!!

I have another doc apt tomorrow. So check back tomorrow night for an update. Also we are getting our maternity photos done on Friday! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Doctor update

Scott and I went to our ultrasound today. Probably the last one till she get's here!

She is about 6.5 pounds which the ultrasound tech said is a tad bit smaller than normal, but nothing to be concerned about. She thought my fluids might have been low at first but when she checked it, she said there was plenty.

I thought for sure she would have a full head of hair, but when she looked, it was just little peach fuzz as of now.

My doctor checked to see if I was dilated, and I still am not. She is listening to her father, who tells her not to come yet.

I got a shot today for the whooping cough. They use to not do it until after the baby is born, but they now do it before the baby is born to keep the baby catching it from me.

I can't think of much else, other than that so far everything is healthy!

Another appointment scheduled for next week Thursday! I'll be 38 weeks then, it's going by so fast and so slow at the same time!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

35 weeks

How far along: 35 weeks 3 days
Weight gain: About 40 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yep.
Wedding ring on or off: Off. Scott got it cleaned for me, so when he brought it home, I put it on my finger and it went to about my knuckle.
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Just waking up a lot to go to the bathroom and getting out of bed is difficult.
Best moment this week: My doc apt and hearing her heartbeat again. Such a beautiful sound :)
Movement: All the time!
Cravings: We have been buying strawberries, blackberries and raspberries, we cut them up and put them in a large bowl in the fridge. I always end up eating the whole thing in like two days. SO GOOD!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: getting to meet her! Every tells me they think I will go early.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Doc update

I went to the doctors yesterday. I am now going to start going weekly! Can't believe how fast it is going by. I may kinda miss being pregnant. When she comes in to this world, I will have to share her. :) but I am also excited for her to meet the world and the world to meet her.

My doctor said I was measuring great. She listened to the heartbeat and said it sounded beautiful. She checked to see if I was dilated at all and luckily I am not! Scott is very set on her coming between June 4-8th, I keep reminding him that she may come early and to prepare for that. And he responds with "Do her hear that Brooklyn, JUNE 4-8TH!"

I think I am finally starting to feel Braxton Hicks contractions.

Her room is coming together. I have started washing her clothes and got up to three months washed, all her bedding and blankets and then her burp rags, bibs, socks, wash cloths, and towels!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Where's Brooklyn?

About every other day this happens where I look down and the right side of my stomach is huge and the left is flat. I even feel like this picture doesn't do near as much justice as in person!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The crib is up!

Thanks to my good friend Barbara Jean, her boyfriend Stephen and his roommate Tim, we got the crib! They went and picked up the crib with me since Scott and I's schedules are so polar opposite and also trying to find someone who could lend us a truck with our schedules was basically impossible. We brought it back to our house and later that night Scott started putting it together. He brought the box into the room and opened it up. The box laying flat on the floor, took up almost the whole room, it was huge! He said to me "I think carrying the baby for 9 months would be easier that this." haha yeah right! About an hour later, after he got out all the pieces to the thing I started hearing some cussing and knew that was my cue to go to bed. After the blues lost the final game in the Stanley Cup and now this, I knew better than to stay up with him! :) The next morning I went in her room and there was a BEAUTIFUL crib! it starts bringing everything together. Last night I was thanking him for putting it together and after he complained about how much of "a pain in the ass" it was, I reminded him how much Brooklyn would appreciate it. He said it took him till 1am to complete and he also insisted there was a misprint in the instructions and about half way through he had to take apart what he did and redo it because the instructions said to put a piece in the wrong spot. All I can say is I am glad I got to go to bed! :)

I am washing the sheets for her crib, the mattress cover and her blankets, so once I get the completed picture of the crib, I will post picture. Her room is really coming together. I am going to try and shampoo the carpet in there tonight and then start hanging stuff on the walls and finishing up the final touches!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Star of Mommy's blog!

A couple years ago I was going to a baby shower and was shopping for a gift. I saw this bib at target without completely reading it correctly. For some reason I thought it said Star of Mommy's heart or something along those lines. I got home and read it and was like ...why did I buy this? So I kept it just in case I knew anyone who had a blog and was expecting and what do you know I came across it a week ago and it's perfect for Brooklyn!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Doc Apt

I am at the point now where I go to the Doctor every two weeks, so I had my last appointment on Monday. I gained a little more weight then what's expected this week. My doctor said "We will blame it on Easter". I'm not concerned considering how everyone thinks I am very small for being pregnant.

I was also having a lot of itching lately, so I had her take a look and I have a yeast infection. I read online it's pretty common during pregnancy. She prescribed me with some medication, and I used it last night and already feel a huge improvement.

I registered at the hospital and also got a birth plan sheet to fill out. All though I have no idea what about 90% of it means and about half of it I could care less of what they do, It makes it feel more real. It's sneaking up on me quickly.

Next on my list is getting my hospital bag together. I have been doing a lot of research on some good "must have" items and reading a lot on pinterest :)


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

33 weeks

How far along: 33 weeks
Weight gain: About 35 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes I am wearing them. I hate finding something to wear. It's the worst part of my day.
Wedding ring on or off: Off. I could have probably wore it the past couple days since it was cooler out.But Saturday it started warming back up so I don't want to risk it getting stuck.
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night. Lately I've been able to fall asleep right away too.
Best moment this week: My baby shower #2! It was nice seeing all my family.
Movement: She moves a lot! She kept gliding her hand on the right side of my belly. Scott and I just sat there and feeling it and kept laughing because she wouldn't stop. She also had the hiccups (I think) twice this week!
Missing anything?: Sitting in pure comfort.
Cravings: Still on my sweet kick. Doc said I need to watch what I eat though... oops.
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Finishing her room! We got her crib on Saturday so once it is shipped to the store, we will pick it up and Scott will put it up. I went to target last night to get some storage stuff and a little decor. My goal is to have it close to being done by the first week of May.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Baby shower #2

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to my baby shower yesterday! I had a great time and really enjoyed everything. We were showered with gifts and Brooklyn has so many clothes, she will be stylin!

Scott and I went out last night and bought her crib. They didn't have it in stock so they ordered it and we should have it in the next week or so and can really start getting her room together! Not sure when I am going to have time for that with our weekends getting packed up till she get's here! Time is going to fly by!

Here are some pictures from my shower! My best friend Barb, Her sister Kathleen, my other best friend Kaylie and My aunt Judy really did a great job and it was beautiful!

Barb's mom made the cake, didn't she do a fabulous job!