Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The crib is up!

Thanks to my good friend Barbara Jean, her boyfriend Stephen and his roommate Tim, we got the crib! They went and picked up the crib with me since Scott and I's schedules are so polar opposite and also trying to find someone who could lend us a truck with our schedules was basically impossible. We brought it back to our house and later that night Scott started putting it together. He brought the box into the room and opened it up. The box laying flat on the floor, took up almost the whole room, it was huge! He said to me "I think carrying the baby for 9 months would be easier that this." haha yeah right! About an hour later, after he got out all the pieces to the thing I started hearing some cussing and knew that was my cue to go to bed. After the blues lost the final game in the Stanley Cup and now this, I knew better than to stay up with him! :) The next morning I went in her room and there was a BEAUTIFUL crib! it starts bringing everything together. Last night I was thanking him for putting it together and after he complained about how much of "a pain in the ass" it was, I reminded him how much Brooklyn would appreciate it. He said it took him till 1am to complete and he also insisted there was a misprint in the instructions and about half way through he had to take apart what he did and redo it because the instructions said to put a piece in the wrong spot. All I can say is I am glad I got to go to bed! :)

I am washing the sheets for her crib, the mattress cover and her blankets, so once I get the completed picture of the crib, I will post picture. Her room is really coming together. I am going to try and shampoo the carpet in there tonight and then start hanging stuff on the walls and finishing up the final touches!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Star of Mommy's blog!

A couple years ago I was going to a baby shower and was shopping for a gift. I saw this bib at target without completely reading it correctly. For some reason I thought it said Star of Mommy's heart or something along those lines. I got home and read it and was like ...why did I buy this? So I kept it just in case I knew anyone who had a blog and was expecting and what do you know I came across it a week ago and it's perfect for Brooklyn!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Doc Apt

I am at the point now where I go to the Doctor every two weeks, so I had my last appointment on Monday. I gained a little more weight then what's expected this week. My doctor said "We will blame it on Easter". I'm not concerned considering how everyone thinks I am very small for being pregnant.

I was also having a lot of itching lately, so I had her take a look and I have a yeast infection. I read online it's pretty common during pregnancy. She prescribed me with some medication, and I used it last night and already feel a huge improvement.

I registered at the hospital and also got a birth plan sheet to fill out. All though I have no idea what about 90% of it means and about half of it I could care less of what they do, It makes it feel more real. It's sneaking up on me quickly.

Next on my list is getting my hospital bag together. I have been doing a lot of research on some good "must have" items and reading a lot on pinterest :)


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

33 weeks

How far along: 33 weeks
Weight gain: About 35 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes I am wearing them. I hate finding something to wear. It's the worst part of my day.
Wedding ring on or off: Off. I could have probably wore it the past couple days since it was cooler out.But Saturday it started warming back up so I don't want to risk it getting stuck.
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night. Lately I've been able to fall asleep right away too.
Best moment this week: My baby shower #2! It was nice seeing all my family.
Movement: She moves a lot! She kept gliding her hand on the right side of my belly. Scott and I just sat there and feeling it and kept laughing because she wouldn't stop. She also had the hiccups (I think) twice this week!
Missing anything?: Sitting in pure comfort.
Cravings: Still on my sweet kick. Doc said I need to watch what I eat though... oops.
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Finishing her room! We got her crib on Saturday so once it is shipped to the store, we will pick it up and Scott will put it up. I went to target last night to get some storage stuff and a little decor. My goal is to have it close to being done by the first week of May.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Baby shower #2

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to my baby shower yesterday! I had a great time and really enjoyed everything. We were showered with gifts and Brooklyn has so many clothes, she will be stylin!

Scott and I went out last night and bought her crib. They didn't have it in stock so they ordered it and we should have it in the next week or so and can really start getting her room together! Not sure when I am going to have time for that with our weekends getting packed up till she get's here! Time is going to fly by!

Here are some pictures from my shower! My best friend Barb, Her sister Kathleen, my other best friend Kaylie and My aunt Judy really did a great job and it was beautiful!

Barb's mom made the cake, didn't she do a fabulous job!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

32 weeks

How far along: 32 weeks
Weight gain: About 32 lbs
Maternity clothes: I hate getting dressed in the morning
Wedding ring on or off: Off- I am wearing my fake one. With the Weather getting warmer my fingers are swelling.
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: It's a little better than it was. I just get up a lot to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Nothing crazy this week. I love just watching her move!
Movement: Still moving like crazy! Except when I try to record it, she stops. It's like she knows.
Missing anything?: Bending over easily :)
Cravings: Still obsessed with sweets!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: My baby shower on Saturday!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

31 weeks

It's by far been a while since I have updated this, so I apologize I've been MIA!

Seriously can't believe I am already at 31 weeks. The next 9 weeks are going to fly by. It's a little bittersweet. I am so excited to meet her but also scared and nervous to be responsible for another person.

I went to the doctor on Monday and I've gained two pounds since my last appointment two weeks ago. She said that was perfect and I am still growing good and on track.

Not the best picture. Clothes are running low!

How far along: 31 Weeks
Weight gain: About 30 lbs
Maternity clothes: I have plenty of tops but going to need more pants soon.
Wedding ring on or off: Still On
Belly button in or out: sticking out, lol you can see it poking out through my shirt
Sleep: ugh. sore subject. It takes so long for me to get comfortable at night. I usually have to put a pillow underneath me.
Best moment this week: Seeing her in 3d last week was the coolest thing ever! She was sucking her thumb and is adorable.
Movement: All the time. She is usually moving on my right side. I just love feeling her kick. I'm pretty sure she was trying to find her way out this week,
Missing anything?: My regular clothes
Cravings: Sweets. I have been on a milkshake kick for a while now.
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Getting her crib in and finishing up her room