Tuesday, December 24, 2013

16 Weeks!

How far along: 16 weeks Gender: Unknown! but we will find out soon! Weight gain: Not sure I haven't weighed myself in a while. The belly is 32 in around. Maternity clothes: I need to go shopping for some. My jeans stopped fitting me :( Stretch marks: No Belly button in or out: In Sleep: I am sleeping well. I am finally starting to get a little energy back. Two nights in a row I made it past midnight! Best moment this week: It's going to be today when we tell my in-laws! Movement: None I can feel. I am excited for that though! Missing anything?: COFFEE. I got Scott a Keurig for Christmas, and it always smells so good when it makes it. Cravings: Fruit Snack have been my new kick. Queasy or sick: I have not been sick once since I got pregnant... until yesterday, Turns out the baby doesn't like Red Robin. Looking forward to: Our next appointment! -Jan 2nd!

16 Weeks

Baby can hear my voice and music!

It's the size of a orange

Starting to develop hair and eye lashes

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