Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Baby's first move!

I was laying in bed this morning debating if I should get up or if I wanted to keep being lazy. Just then I felt my stomach tighten and it felt like someone was in the inside of me push their fist through my stomach (which is probably what was happening). I felt my stomach and it was hard as a rock. It was the most amazing feeling ever and so cool! Can't wait for it to happen again so Scott can feel it!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Old Wive Tales

Tonight Scott and I did some of the Old Wive Tales to determine the gender just for the heck of it. Below are our results. Everything points to girl, but I still think it's a boy for some reason. Be sure to vote on the pole to the right :)

Chinese Calendar: Girl
Ring Swing: Girl
Heartbeat: Girl
Baby Dreams (I always have boy dreams): Means it's a girl
Necklace Swing: Girl
Mothers intuition: Boy
Areolae Test: Girl
Craving Sweets: Girl
Morning Sickness- No: Boy

We go to our next doc apt on the 2nd where we can hopefully set up a time to find out the gender. I am sure we will probably be having a reveal party ;) Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Well what a year 2013 has been! I was filling out our Christmas book looking back at everything that we have done in a year and it's been a great one to say the least.

This morning we are enjoying our peace and quiet as this time next year we will have a 6 month old pulling ornaments off the tree and probably waking us up about 4am.

Our "New year's" cards are going out tomorrow! As I had to do New year ones since the baby news was not out yet. (P.s. please ignore my grammatical error.) I stated on the back of our card I finished another semester of college, but somehow after proof reading our card three times I didn't catch a little mistake. :)

Merry Christmas to All!
Happy Holidays!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

16 Weeks!

How far along: 16 weeks Gender: Unknown! but we will find out soon! Weight gain: Not sure I haven't weighed myself in a while. The belly is 32 in around. Maternity clothes: I need to go shopping for some. My jeans stopped fitting me :( Stretch marks: No Belly button in or out: In Sleep: I am sleeping well. I am finally starting to get a little energy back. Two nights in a row I made it past midnight! Best moment this week: It's going to be today when we tell my in-laws! Movement: None I can feel. I am excited for that though! Missing anything?: COFFEE. I got Scott a Keurig for Christmas, and it always smells so good when it makes it. Cravings: Fruit Snack have been my new kick. Queasy or sick: I have not been sick once since I got pregnant... until yesterday, Turns out the baby doesn't like Red Robin. Looking forward to: Our next appointment! -Jan 2nd!

16 Weeks

Baby can hear my voice and music!

It's the size of a orange

Starting to develop hair and eye lashes

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Our first Ultrasound

Yesterday December 11th was our first ultrasound. We went in not knowing what to expect being first time parents, but we left full of joy. This was probably one of the happiest moments since our wedding! I had no idea how far a long I was. Being someone with irregular menstrual cycle it wasn't uncommon for me to go a few months (by few I mean 3-6) without one. This being so, my last one was about July or August, but I knew I hadn't been pregnant that long. During the ultrasound they did one from the inside and on top of my stomach. It's honestly amazing how technology can allow you to see inside there. Seeing the baby on the screen honestly helped it sink in a little more and I was beginning to feel the real experience of a pregnancy.

The baby was jumping around a lot and the tech kept saying "what a little jumping bean". It made my heart melt a little inside. All I could think about was how amazing it is to have this kind of experience. It's something so many people want in life and not something every gets the pleasure of experiencing. We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat. What a precious moment Scott and I got to experience together.

Although we may have not been planning on this right now in our lives. This is probably the best gift Scott could have ever given me and I could have ever given him.

The ultrasound tech did some measurements on the baby and came up with a due date of June 7th. I probably looked at her with 15 heads because I was expecting her to say like July 15th. I thought I was somewhere between 7-9 weeks, but nope I am 14 weeks! I keep telling myself God always has a plan. I forget that a lot and I know he laughs at me when I think I have everything under control and planned out.

The tech printed out our pictures for us to take home. As we pulled into the driveway Scott said "If there is anything we have done in life that has be refrigerator worthy, this is defiantly it"

How far along: 14 weeks Gender: Unknown! Scott and I both think boy! Weight gain: 6 lbs.+ Maternity clothes: Still wearing my regular clothes. It probably wont be long till I need something bigger! Stretch marks: No Belly button in or out: In Sleep: Too much. I sleep ALL the time! Best moment this week: Going to our first Ultrasound! Movement: None I can feel, but it's jumping around in there. I have a feeling that when I can feel it, it will be non-stop! Missing anything?: Soda and margaritas! Cravings: Nothing really. I honestly have to be in the mood for food to eat. And rarely does it sound good. Queasy or sick: I have a terrible cold that wont go away, but other than that not once have I had morning sickness! Looking forward to: Telling the rest of our family! They will be shocked!

14 Weeks.

Baby size: Lemon

Weight: 1-1 1/2 pounds.

Baby can suck it's tumb! aw!

In my second Trimester!