Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween 2016

Well, this was Brooklyn's first Halloween that she was able to participate in, by going door to door. She couldn't say "Trick or Treat" but she sure knew how to grab candy! At one house she was sitting there taking her sweet time to pick a piece and they said "oh take as much as you want" Brooklyn took it literal and scooped her hands to the bottom of their bowl! haha! So glad the weather was good and it wasn't too cold! Overall it was a really good night!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Brooklyn putting on make-up

It's amazing how much kids absorb! I typically get ready before Brooklyn wakes up because it's impossible to do with her awake. One morning I was doing my make-up and there is was mimicking me.

P.s. I have been having trouble getting videos to work on here. Let me know if it doesn't work!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

BBQ Sauce is good!

Brooklyn's obsession with BBQ sauce is a little out of control. She loves to dip in it... or just eat it by itself.


Monday, September 14, 2015

15 month check up!

Hi Friends,

Holy Cow I got off track from my blog! I really want to start keeping up with it again. I love keeping everyone up to date with my (not so little) munchkin! It's been almost a year since I posted! So much has happened and I am sad that I haven't documented it, but oh well we have pictures and memories stored.

What better way to blog than starting with her 15 month of check up! Honestly, I can't believe how fast it has gone by. I have always said kids make you old! Not because of all the grey hairs she gives me (well I guess that too) but because of how fast they make time go by! With our speedy fast paced lifestyle, I sometimes forget to take a minute to absorb these memories.

She had her 15 month check up last week. I left school early to pick her up and she was napping. Her babysitter, Brittany carried her to the car for me and buckled her it. I got in the front and was about to drive off when she started vomiting everywhere. We got her out, cleaned her off and her car seat the best we could and put her back in for her apt.

I pulled in to the docs office and she starts vomiting again! I was a little more prepared that time with wipes and towels. Of course, it wasn't enough haha! To say the least she walked in naked and smelling like a mixture of vomit and baby lotion.

Doc said it's probably the stomach bug going around. She still got her shots since she was acting normal and had no fever. Shots never get easier for any new moms out there.

Doc said she is right on track, in all aspects. Her words, physical development and mental development. Her words are simple, of course... "up", "mom" "dad" "bath" "pup" "eat" and "ease" for please. We are practicing sign language and she has more and please down! I don't think she understands what they mean haha she just knows if she wants something she signs and says please and TYPICALLY she will get it.

Her growth has stayed consistent on the charts and is typically in the 50% tile. Except for her head, it's in the 75% because of her large brain ;)

She is something else to say the least. I love watching her cute little cheesy self grow in to a little rambunctious human being!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Thanks to Brit, Jamie H and Jamie L for sharing such a fun experience with Brooklyn and I at the pumpkin patch. She just kind of looked around and was unsure what to think! What a cutie!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Food for the first time and 4 month check up!

Hello all! I know it's been a while since I have blogged. Going to try to get back into the swing of things. With the baby, school, volunteering and work, I have had my plate full!

Brooklyn got to try baby food for the first time yesterday! She wasn't really sure what to think about it. I put the food in her mouth and it sat there for a few moments then she would stick her tongue out and some of the food with it. She did keep opening her mouth for more though. She had a few bites and that was about it. We tried again today and did the same thing. She had a few bites and was done with it. I just wanted to get her feeling the texture. I also read that starting baby food earlier can help give children better taste buds and can hopefully create a less picky eater as they grow.

She also had her four month check up. Doctor said she is healthy and growing great. Her height and weight are in the 50% tile and her head is in the 75th! Haha holy cow Brooklyn! She needs room for the big brain she is going to have. :) She weighs 14lbs 2oz and is 24 inches long. She got 4 shots, poor baby :( She was great all day for me and my dad when he was watching her but Scott said she was a terror for him.

Some Brooklyn pics from the past month!

And dad called us out on pj day!

Friday, July 11, 2014

maternity photos

Love all of our maternity photos! Below are a few of my favorite! Thanks to Julie Lynch Photography for capturing all the memories!